WATCH: Leonor vs Felipe VI – Juramento de la Constitución | RTVE Noticias | 1968 vs. 2023

The following is a video clips from RTVE Noticias showing a side-by-side comparison the Oath to the Constitution (Juramento de la Constitución) of Princess Leonor on October 31, 2023 to that of her father, King Felipe VI-then Prince on January 30, 1986:

Video completo del día de la jura de la Constitución de S.A.R. la Princesa de Asturias | casarealtv | YouTube

Prince Felipe’s swearing-in of the Constitution in 1986 was broadcast by RTVE, as was that of his daughter, Princess Leonor. In January 1986, morning programming was new on Spanish screens, where only public and regional television from Catalonia, Euskadi and Galicia could be seen. In that sense, the situation has changed a lot. Also politically.

In 1986, the president of the government who accompanied the prince at the ceremony was Felipe González, who was rushing his first term, that of the overwhelming absolute majority of 82, 202 deputies of the PSOE, something that has never been seen again. Leonor has been accompanied by the also socialist Pedro Sánchez, acting president, with 81 fewer seats (121) and negotiating his new investiture with the pro-independence parties.

Translation of original text in Spanish from RTVE Noticias | YouTube

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